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The Fuel

My, oh my....

The performance ended with Giuseppe Baptiste and Pearsons Rockfield bowing in unison. Pearsons Rockfield jumped with his hands in the air and the small crowd jumped up with him.


"This morning is the beginning of a long list of performances all across the world in spirit of violas in the universe," said Giuseppe Baptiste.


Karina, Rambo and I looked at each other and wondered why there would even be such a thing? We ran behind the performance circle area and waited for them to have a dialogue of some sort.


Pearsons Rockfield came out of the circle and walked towards the back of the garden while Giuseppe Baptiste followed him.


I watched them walking towards me and looked at their fingers for signs of the ring that had the symbol of the machete and fire that brought back memories of the perpetrator who hurt Karina.


Karina stood behind me, as I felt her fears and tremors in her soul. 

"Baby, don't worry please. We're here for you," I told her. Rambo held her shoulders and we walked towards Pearsons and Giuseppe.


"May we bother you for a conversation? We are huge fans," I said politely. Karina and Rambo stayed a few feet behind me.


"Well, adoration is our favorite form of flattery," said Pearsons Rockfield. He took out his hair brush that was in his back pocket and started brushing his hair.


"Young one, oh you must love me so much to come so boldly for a chance to meet me. Tell me where I can sign my autograph," said Giuseppe Baptiste as he blinks Morse code - Worship me, you smitten puppy!


"Eehhh, I wanted to ask questions, for a simple clarification and for a statement from you both," I said.


Rambo came closer beside me, and said, "In adoration, of course...". 

I looked for Katina and she was holding Rambo's shirt. My Father came along behind her with Boris and Betina in the stroller.


"I also have some questions alongside my sons," said my Father. "And this here is Karina, my adopted daughter."


Giuseppe and Pearsons looked in awe as they closed their gaping mouth with their hands.


"Be Jesus, you mean you are all from different mothers of this same man? How might I be of your acquaintance sir!" said Pearsons Rockfield.


"No, no, not that way, but these two little ones are Karina's and she is a survivor, by men of The New Order, who assaulted her because of her soul privilege to gain prosperity and honor for their souls and to become famous or gain riches," said my Father.


I was ready to get shot somehow, by one of their body guards, but there were none.


"Oh we are non-violent, young ones," said Giuseppe Baptiste. "I was ordained as a holy priest."


"That's not how you came into power as was written in history," I said.


"We can resolve this," said Pearsons Rockfield. "I am his advisor."


"And how have you advised him, Sir Pearsons Rockfield? By letting the men who works for him abuse the system and hurt the vulnerables like Karina?" Rambo asked.


"Why you dare to raise your tongue at me?!" said Pearsons Rockfield.


"Explain to us why there are men with artillery and vehicles looking for the last of the Royals, only to harm them?" I asked. "Wasn't that how you also gained all of the control in the world."


Pearsons Rockfield turned reddish brown on his face as Giuseppe Baptiste began to stutter. "Bub bub but, that was not at all my purpose in this control," he said.


Pearaons Rockfield looked angry and his eyebrows scrunched and his balding head began to sweat as pearl drops rose from the top of his balding head.


"We have the power to prosecute you and kill you if we want!" Yelled Pearsons Rockfield.


"But you still need to prove to us that you are both non-violent," said my Father.


"Was it because of heart breaks? A woman scorned you? Hated you and burned you? She left you for another?" asked Karina. "I was hurt and the men never took responsibility for their actions."


"Why you little wench! You are blaming us for the sins of others?" shouted Pearsons Rockfield. Giuseppe Baptiste blinked and blinked and this time the message was - "Gogshiged whyandhb! &7¥hike?" 

My Fathers d I could read his blinks and I knew they were in fear. 

Immediately, two men as big as horses came approaching us. They were dressed in suits and ties and walked with an aggressive body language.


Karina shook and stood behind me, but she knelt down and took the stroller and held Boris inside her arm. "In this baby boy, is the answer to life," said Karina.

"Only fools would preach thus without shame," said Pearsons Rockfield.


"This baby has more love inside him than both of you and all of your armies," said Karina.


"How bold!" Giuseppe Baptiste said with a gasp. "What is your name?"


Pearsons Rockfield was irritated and elbowed Giuseppe Baptiste. "She is our opposition!"


"Why must I be your enemy? I've been hurt and never harmed you. Are you afraid of me?" asked Karina.


"Pearsons and Giuseppe, we want to know why you allowed your men to harm vulnerable people? And why would you hurt good families and hurt Royals, to get what you want?" I said.


Pearsons Rockfield and Giuseppe Baptiste we're silent. 

"Do you want to annihilate them, my Royal Highnesses?" Said the gargantuan men in suits and tie.


Pearsons Rockfield was noticeably irate with both of his hands akimbo. "I was forced into my last marriages and I won't do it again! From now on, I control everyone's destinies!" he said. "You dare to go against me? Huh! Insolents!"


My Father, Rambo, Karina and I gasped. Giuseppe Baptiste held his hands in between his legs, covering his shame, discreetly.


"That was your problem the whole time?" Karina asked.


"You married twenty times and you never got to choose the right person?" Why did you do it? No one twisted your arms?" asked Rambo.


"Because I was forced to marry for politics," said Pearsons Rockfield. "So now, I will control the world!"


"Giuseppe, who did you want to love?" I asked.


He shrugged his shoulders and raised his arms in the air, "Myself!!!'" 

"You are two of the most moronic people I have ever met!" My Father said. "It was because you never had love with the people you wanted so you punished the whole world? Why didn't you ask the person out and say your truths?"


"I married for money and privilege and for authority! But, they hated me. The right man was too much to handle," said Pearsons Rockfield.


My Father, Karina, Rambo and I gasped and held our hands over our lips. "Oh...," we all said in unison.


Giuseppe suddenly lowered his head and looked coy towards Pearsons Rockfield. "Sorry, dear,..." he said.


My Father, Karina, Rambo, and I gasped and held our hands over our right cheek. "Oh my,....," we said in unison.


Karina suddenly burst into tears, and hugged Pearsons Rockfield. "I'm sorry! Everyone deserves true love!"


Just write.

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