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The Fuel

Let Mommy Be Here in the Morning

Today, Mommy and I bought some turtles at the pet store.


Right now, I'm on my bed, and I am hungry.


I want crackers and cheese, yet it is the middle of the night.


BOOM, KRAK, SHOCK, there are loud sounds coming from the kitchen.


"Is there a fight downstairs?" I wonder, jolting out of bed. "Did my turtles become monsters?"


I want to tip-toe outside my room to see what's going on with the turtles. 


The pet store clerk told me and Mommy, earlier today, "These turtles grow to only one pound." 


"Maybe, they are breaking out of their shells? How could they grow so fast, when they only eat peaches?" I say to myself.


I close my eyes, and count to one hundred again, and hide under my blanket.


Five year old kids can be superheroes, but I don't know if those noises are bigger than me.


"I hope those turtles are not dangerous," I say in the dark.   


When Mommy is here, there is always crackers and cheese, and fairies are flying around my room. Mommy tells me, fairies look like me, and she always hugs me and kisses me. With Mommy, fights rarely happens, and turtles don't turn into monsters.   


Mommy tells me to wear my red glittery shoes. She says they make me shine. 


On Spring days, Mommy and I will collect dandelions and try to make a "fuzz pile" out of its thistles.  Dandelions fuzz is Mommy's favorite trick, because fuzz flies in the wind like feathers. 


We usually run near a flower trail nearby our house, and I can see Mommy water the sunflowers and hope those flowers will grow towards the sky, taller than me. 


Mommy says, "Seeds grow into trees, when you water it everyday."


On Summer days, Mommy and I escape to paradise island in our dreams and pretend we are near the ocean.  I would close my eyes, and swim in the blue water, and those turtles we bought at the pet store will be perfect for our daydream. 

Mommy and I always have mango cola and let it fizz in our mouths to make our lips tingle.  Tiny bubbles remind me of Mommy's sparkly laugh. 


On Halloween, Mommy always makes me wear something cute.

I think this year, I will ask to be an animal expert and carry my new turtles inside a basket.


On Christmas Eve, Mommy will be with me at home with warm milk and folktales. 

We usually sit next to the Christmas tree and her smile reminds me of a beautiful angel. 


The noises I hear now would have different sounds with Mommy near me.


BOOM becomes Tap-Tap, the sounds of my new tap dance shoes!


KRAK becomes Kring-Kring, the sound of a bicycle ring.


SHOCK becomes Squih-Squish, the sound of a plush toy.


Right now, I don't know what's going on downstairs.


I will just think of Mommy some more.


Mommy will make heart shaped signs on my foggy windows on winter nights.


Mommy will knit out of woolen yarns and my hair will be curled up like funny macaroni. 


Mommy bought those turtles downstairs because they look like little dinosaurs that eats the little critters from the backyard.


Their names are "SMUSH" and "CATCH," because that's what I hear when  Mommy screams, because of the little monsters from the backyard.


But, right now there are noises downstairs, and BOOM, KRAK, SHOCK, like there is a fight!


"Please, let Mommy be here in the morning," I say to myself, still thinking of Mommy.


I decide, I am not afraid of noise!


I get out of my bed and take my blanket to make sure I'm safe.


Where is Mommy, is she fighting the noises downstairs?


I use my blanket to slide down the stairs, because monsters don't like fairies who make little tip-toe noises.


It's time to be very careful, because I have a little brother now.


On my tip-toes, I see the kitchen with the light on!


It is very scary because with all the noises because at night, even turtles go to sleep. 


But, what are these noises?


"Please, let Mommy be here in the morning!" I say to myself.


I peek into the kitchen, and I see, "DADDY!" He is rummaging into the refrigerator.


Now that Daddy is here, I remember when…



The End. Just write.




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