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The Fuel

You Groovy, Girl

Stay girl, don't go running out commando with no underwear, you hear?

Stop spreading your legs in the middle of nowhere, waiting to be discovered by a man.

You stop spanking yourself on your butt, and don't think that the nasty in you won't get you burnt.

You know you're beautiful, and no air head still won't go anywhere with no blow dryer, so wear a condom.


Girlie, you know better to not blame yourself if you got some kind of abuse or gotten rape. You ain't the one fucking things up!

You did nothing wrong, but you know better than to tell yourself you will get love from sexual attention. They ain't the same, you hear.

Don't go out too late, girl, stay. Read a while, it saves lives.

Young or old, HIV don't see no age group nor color and neither does herpes and syphilis.


You know you got a good home when everything feels boring, you actually high class, girl.

You wearing that sheer gold underwear won't make you a princess. It just wets their dicks with wetdreams, yeah, them old men.

You know you're wearing things too short when your thong shows up in Neverland.

Don't be taking pictures of you drinking vodka, it will show up on television.


Girl, you know you're good, but no one confirmed it. Now you know!

You've got brains, girl, don't be afraid of them people telling you you're not.

They ain't got what you got, girl, keep it coming on!

You know you're smart when people kept telling you to shut up. Keep talkin,'


You don't have nothin' to be afraid of, just don't get your panties on too tight and shambled up.

Don't be sleeping around and getting venereal disease when your man might be giving you one already.

You trust your man, Girl? I haven't seen one with love so deep they asked God about you.

You got to be so smart and sharp that Jesus wants to talk to you.


Girl, don't go running out commando, you hear. 

Wear your underwear and protect yourself. 

You don't want to be one of them red district girls from Thailand or Denmark.

They would buy girls like you. You are valuable, so they put a price on your ass.


You think rape will end things? You better think again, girl, nobody can take your wit and grit down!

You keep going and wear that pride and confidence, because you went through somethin.

You aught to know that your trouble ain't new, girl, I got one too, sexual assault and mental health issues, yeah, name it!

You think you got it worse? There are rumors that swirl around that make it that way....ain't it?


What if you get pregnant? So what happens now? You reading for two and you have to two books now.

You need to remember that you gotta take care of God's gift first, girl...yes, you. You a GIFT.

If you do get pregnant, I need to tell you that it's not the end, and you need help.

Get help...you find it and seek it and pray it and believe it. You gotta keep believin' till it's all stable, you hear.


You better get a new conscience if you still hoping for prince charming, because you gotta work first, girl.

Princes don't come with a free hand out, they need to see you and be in your company and get to know you.

Yes, even princes can be dicks and they can be running out and causing death and all shizzles down your throat.

You need to remember that dreams do come true, but you do need to work on yourself and work hard, girl.


Yes, you deserve love. You need it don't you? But work like you don't need love.

You need to keep on keeping yourself on. Stay with God and keep going.

Stay with me, girl, don't you leave and keep on drinking on your belly full of a child.

I don't approve of you hurting and keep hurting, you need to rest up and stay beautiful.


Stay girl, don't go running out commando with no underwear, you hear?

Stop spreading your legs in the middle of nowhere, waiting to be discovered by a man.

You stop spanking yourself on your butt, and don't think that the nasty in you won't get you burnt.

You know you're beautiful, and no air head still won't go anywhere with no blow dryer, so wear a condom.








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